Around my neighborhood, my dog Scooby urinates on everything. He continues to lift his leg even when there is no more pee left in his bladder. We live in an urban environment which is extremely unnatural and difficult for dogs as they attempt to mark their territory. It is a form of communication where they are saying to other canines in the area to tread cautiously as they have now ventured onto occupied land. They are putting up their fence with a sign “Beware of Dog.” If other dogs continually trespass, then their biology will respond by increasing urine flow and allowing them to mark their territory better. Can you see how this might be affecting dogs in the city landscape? A discussion for another time.
Our biology responds the same way. After all, we are mammals as well. We have developed more culturally appropriate ways to indicate our territory/property, but our urinary tract will still run the evolutionary program to increase urine output when deemed necessary for marking capabilities.
In biological terms, men and women have different concepts of territory. We will not get into the specific details of Hamer’s Laws in this post. I want to paint the picture for those of you who suffer from chronic UTIs without getting lost in the minutia. The territory of a man is more concerned with the external environment such as the land, farm, workplace, village, etc., while for women it is more about the home, nest, or family.
My personal line of thought is that we generally understand what demarcates a man’s territory in modern society, but the lines are still somewhat blurry at times when it comes to respecting a woman’s territory. The family unit has gradually decreased in size and importance as the state has willfully absorbed many of its fundamental aspects. It can be confusing from the female territorial perspective. The high rate of divorce, daycare, public schooling for children, and women becoming a large portion of the workforce can be other factors in the ratio discrepancy. These circumstances may explain why women experience more UTI symptoms compared to men.
When someone encroaches on our territory, the urinary tract widens through cell loss. You can now mark your territory better. Once you do, literally or figuratively, then those cells need to be replenished. The inflammatory process sets in so you will now experience the burning pain. There may be some blood and bacteria in the urine as both are increased to heal the tissues. You will experience a brief absence of mind while the pain recedes momentarily. Then, the final phase of healing ensues with scarring until everything returns to normal operations.
Chronic urethritis, cystitis, or nephritis indicates that you are stepping on a track which keeps setting you back and preventing the complete resolution. Something keeps reminding your subconscious mind that the conflict should remain active. Perhaps you are still trying to figure out what your territory entails. You can mark your territory better and then the healing begins again. Once more, the boundaries have been infiltrated, or at least your subconscious believes it to be so, and you are in a continual rinse and repeat cycle.
Does this mean that you can eat garbage, live a life of debauchery, and stop all hygiene practices? No! You still must live of life of cleanliness to support your biology, psychology, and emotional wellbeing.
And no, you do not want to use antibiotics for UTI symptoms since the microbes are an essential part of the healing process. Without the proper bacteria available, your body must find alternative ways to heal the tissue which might not be ideal in the long-term.
Understanding the basics of how your biology operates will remove fear, confusion, and discontent about the symptoms you experience. You will gain, or regain, the vitalistic powers of your psyche, brain, tissues, and organs.
Did you catch the subtle clue in the title of this post?
If you would like assistance on your health journey and are fed up with the other medical models, then reach out to the doctor directly by emailing drdamon@seedandsoilwellness.com. We look forward to meeting you and helping you to regain your vitality. We invite you to become a part of our tribe.