If you’re experiencing unusual symptoms related to mood swings, fatigue, or metabolic function, you may be suffering from a hormone imbalance. Statistics show that 80 percent of women suffer from hormonal imbalances and may not even realize it.
Many environmental factors can lead to hormonal imbalances. If you feel chronically stressed, your hormonal health will likely reflect that. Other toxins, pollutants, medications, and diseases can impact your hormone levels. An unhealthy diet is one of the leading causes of hormonal imbalances.
If you think you may be suffering from a hormone imbalance, schedule your appointment with Dr. Damon. Until then, cut these 6 foods from your diet.

What is a Hormonal Imbalance?
At the heart of the body’s functionality are the endocrine glands. The major glands align with the Chakras, or energy centers, of the body. These glands are responsible for releasing hormones that stimulate or inhibit various physical processes in the organs.
These glands include:
Adrenal cortex
Ovaries or Testis
Pituitary gland
Pineal gland
Although these glands are scattered throughout the body, they work together to keep the body in balance. These glands all secrete hormones and, in some cases, serve other roles. From boosting your metabolism to managing your reproductive health, the endocrine glands serve a significant process.
An imbalance in these hormones can cause functionality issues throughout the body, leading to long-term illnesses. Fortunately, there are many lifestyle adjustments you can make to give your body the foundation it needs to function fully.
Here are 6 foods to stay away from when balancing your hormones:
6. Certain Vegetables
There are different families of vegetables and not all are created equal. Many people have sensitivities to Nightshades, which include vegetables like:
You may also have trouble processing cruciferous vegetables such as:
These veggies can be eaten in moderation, but too much may lead to hypothyroidism. We advise you to meet with Dr. Damon at Seed and Soil Wellness to figure out your specific body type and what will work best for you.
Learn More > How Your Thyroid Functions
5. Dairy
A lot of people cannot digest dairy easily, especially here in the United States where dairy is frequently full of hormones and overly processed. Even if you are not lactose intolerant, you could have a dairy sensitivity or an underlying condition worsened by dairy. This may result in inflammation in the gut and irritation of your whole system.
Consuming a lot of milk can additionally raise triglyceride levels and lead to diabetes. Many people see improvements in stomach, skin, and systemic issues once removing dairy from the diet for an extended period of time.
There is a huge difference between Raw & Pasteurized milk.
If you aren’t sure what is triggering your symptom flare-ups, contact Seed and Soil Wellness for a free consultation call to see if Seed and Soil is the right fit to help you get back to thriving.
4. Alcohol
If you can’t cut any other food from your diet, at least try removing alcohol. This is one of the first pieces of advice we at Seed and Soil Wellness provide when you are facing a hormone imbalance- and for good reason. Alcohol harms sex hormones and disrupts the production of insulin.
Alcohol can also increase your cortisol – aka stress – levels and negatively impact both the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. These structures play an important role in the overall endocrine system.
3. Soy Products
Soy milk, tofu, and other forms of soy may be ok every once in a while, but when eaten in large amounts, could cause not just hormonal health issues but also abnormal cell growth. Soy has a similar chemical structure to estrogen, so eating too much may confuse the body to think it has too much of this hormone.
Soy may lead to weak estrogenic or anti-estrogenic activity in the body.
As a result, your body may stop producing estrogen, eventually stalling ovulation and thyroid issues. Soy in general is a heavily toxic crop because of too many pesticides and GMO.
2. Sugary Treats
Sugar is absolutely the worst food when it comes to managing your hormones. Consuming sugar will cause an insulin level spike in the body. Insulin metabolizes the sugar you eat. Over time, your body becomes less sensitive to more and more insulin being created. This is called “insulin resistant.”
Too much sugar will also suppress the sensitivity of leptin and ghrelin, which help manage appetite. Many foods may contain processed sugars hiding in plain sight. Once your body begins to digest foods like white bread, it responds similarly to sugar.
Learn More > The Second Brain in Your Belly
1. Processed and Refined Food
Sugar is bad for you, but when it’s found naturally, it’s usually less harmful. Foods that are processed and separated from the necessary nutrients for your body to digest properly, such as gluten or sugar, can wreak havoc on your internal ecosystem.
These foods increase inflammation while stressing the adrenal glands and even leading to autoimmune diseases. Ultra-Processed foods of any kind are not ideal for your health due to a variety of factors. The high levels of sodium and preservatives can cause an electrolyte imbalance and weight gain leading to hormonal health issues. Be very cautious around the following:
Industrial Seed Oils
High Fructose Corn Syrup

Clean Out Your Pantry with Seed and Soil
We often don’t pay attention to how many toxins we’re putting in our bodies until it creates a significant issue. But at Seed and Soil, we suggest listening to your body when it whispers so you don’t have to hear it scream.
If something feels off, it’s important that you listen to what your body is asking of you. There’s a good chance it’s wanting more nutrient-dense, non-processed, organic, and clean food.
If you have underlying health conditions, it’s best to discuss them with a doctor at Seed and Soil Wellness before making drastic lifestyle changes. Call our team today!