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The Holistic Path: How an Alternative Approach Compares to Allopathic Medicine

When you hear the term “alternative medicine,” your mind may bounce through an array of different associations. Perhaps after years under allopathic (traditional) care with no prevail, you were grateful to finally find relief through a more holistic approach. But maybe you hear “alternative” and your mind jumps to “pseudo-science,” “bogus,” “wishful thinking,” you get the idea...

While we sometimes refer to Seed and Soil Wellness as alternative healthcare since it helps patients discover our practice, we don’t necessarily feel it’s an accurate or useful description. We don’t see our services as an “alternative” to allopathic medicine. Rather, our approach fills in many of holes that allopathic medicine fails to address.

In this article, our integrative wellness practitioner shares how an “alternative” medical approach compares to allopathic medicine and how holistic medicine may better help you achieve your health goals.

The Pros and Cons of Allopathic Medicine

The term “allopathic” translates from Greek to the “opposite of suffering.” In many cases, allopathic medicine provides a quick fix to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms. The practices of allopathic medicine are built upon the principle that opposites are the best course of treatment.

For example, a headache can be treated with ibuprofen while constipation can be relieved with a laxative. In many cases, allopathy is life-saving. If you suffer severe physical trauma from a car accident or begin experiencing anaphylaxis, you’re not going to simply throw back some herbs and call it a day.

Unfortunately, there is a price to pay for the majority of allopathic treatments, as they typically come with adverse side effects.

We all know chemotherapy has awful effects on the body and many medications can even propagate another disease or create new symptoms.

Many health conditions we face in modern society can’t be reversed by slapping on a band-aid. In fact, allopathic medicine still can’t explain the cause of many chronic conditions, such as autoimmunity. This is where an “alternative” approach can be incredibly effective.

The Philosophical Differences Between an Allopathic and Integrative Approach

Two major philosophical differences distinguish allopathic and integrative medicine.

  1. Allopathic medicine treats the disease, whereas integrative medicine approaches the individual as a whole.

  2. Allopathic medicine approaches disease with the belief in a simple, singular cause, while a holistic approach recognizes the multifactorial model of disease.

While allopathic medicine claims to rely on heavily research-based approaches, the truth is there is a lot that remains unknown about the body and disease. Google “what causes autoimmune disease,” and you will be met with a resounding “unknown.”

An Integrative Approach to Disease

The causes of autoimmunity are simply too multi-faceted and complex for our current research methods to pinpoint. However, an integrative approach recognizes that a variety of factors can lead to autoimmunity and other diseases. These include:

  • Gut dysbiosis

  • Leaky gut

  • Environmental toxins (foods, heavy metals, pollution, plastics, endocrine disruptors)

  • Molecular mimicry

  • Parasites and infections

  • Stress

  • Smoking/ lifestyle

  • Nutritional deficiencies

What adds to the complexity is the above causes may cause each other. Truly finding the root cause can be a long, frustrating process, which is why working with an integrative doctor who will listen to your concerns and acknowledge the uniqueness of your situation is so important.

Are you tired of relentless symptoms that seem unwavering in the face of allopathic medicine? Schedule your consultation with Dr. Damon today to learn how Seed & Soil Wellness can help you on your journey toward wellness.

The Body’s Ability to Heal

Another key philosophy of integrative medicine regards the human body’s incredible ability to self-heal. The fundamental unit of the body is the cell. Our cells are constantly working to bring us back into our optimal state of equilibrium.

Our approach at Seed and Soil Wellness simply supports what the body was designed to do on its own with the proper nutrients, sleep, stress management, and movement.

The first step to the healing process is simply becoming aware of these powerful systems within the body, and nudging your nervous system in the right direction.

How We Help You Heal

In many cases, we find disease begins in the gut. We will evaluate the integrity of your gut lining through lab work, facial diagnosis, an abdominal exam, and heart rate variability. If necessary, we can administer a variety of comprehensive blood tests. We use a variety of approaches to rebalance your body, but in nearly all cases, it is up to you to carry our adjustments into your everyday lifestyle to see true progress. Our treatments include:

Fill in the Blanks with Seed & Soil

Chances are, you won’t visit your allopathic general practitioner until you are dealing with frustrating symptoms that won’t go away. This can even become scary and stressful if no one can diagnose your condition. When you work with Seed and Soil Wellness, we will not only help you overcome health challenges but will prevent them from occurring altogether.

Wellness begins today by empowering your mind and body. In many cases, simply having faith that you will heal can help you make massive strides in your health. Depending on your situation, you may greatly benefit from other treatments offered by our integrative wellness clinic.

Call our office today to schedule your free consultation727-282-4368.


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