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Oct 28, 2022
The Holistic Path: How an Alternative Approach Compares to Allopathic Medicine
When you hear the term “alternative medicine,” your mind may bounce through an array of different associations. Perhaps after years under...

Sep 23, 2022
Find & Eliminate Environmental Stressors with an Integrative Medicine Doctor
The term “environmental toxins” may conjure up images of smoke proliferating out of a factory or river water filled with chemicals and...

Aug 10, 2022
Think You’re Hydrated? Think Again, and Get Moving.
If you want to understand the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, imagine the difference between a pristine, flowing river and a...

Jun 16, 2022
Our Functional Medical Approach to Allergies
Whether your head feels congested for weeks straight during allergy season or you have a severe anaphylactic reaction to a certain...

Jun 7, 2022
This is Why You Should Visit a Chiropractor
There are many reasons you may want to visit a chiropractor, the most obvious being back or neck pain, headaches, and injury. However,...

May 31, 2022
How Grounding on the Earth Can Improve Your Well-Being
You don’t have to be a hippie to enjoy feeling your bare feet on the raw earth. Grounding, also known as earthing, is a healing practice...
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